June 22, 2007

Reverend Bizarre

He was dragging the cross to the Place of Skulls
Through the crowd that mocked him with all different ways
Under the heavy burden he cried for help
He looked at my eyes, I spat on his face!

Artist: Reverend Bizarre
Album: III: So Long Suckers
Genre: Doom Metal
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/reverendbizarre

Reverend Bizarre was a Doom Metal band comprised of three members - Sir Albert Witchfinder (vocals/bass), Peter Vicar (guitars), and Earl of Void (guitar/drums). The trio performed a few hoeavy, slow Traditional Doom Metal in the veins of Black Sabbath and Pentagram. They formed in 1995 and have put out two EPs and three full albums, III: So Long Suckers being the latest. Sadly, III: So Long Suckers is their final release, as Reverend Bizarre is disbanding after its release. Please enjoy this final album from the lords of doom.

1. They Used Dark Forces/Teutonic Witch - (29:05)
2. Sorrow - (25:19)
3. Funeral Summer - (11:41)
4. One Last Time - (15:38)
5. Kundalini Arisen - (4:25)
6. Caesar Forever - (15:43)
7. Anywhere Out Of This World - (25:32)
8. Bonus Track - (2:35)


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